Sasha Killewald to join American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Apr 24, 2024

We’re pleased to announce that our own Stone Center Director Alexandra (Sasha) Killewald has been selected to join the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for her significant contributions to sociology.

Sasha is one of four University of Michigan faculty members among this year’s new members.

“I am deeply honored to join such an incredible group of individuals and an association with a mission to advance knowledge in service to the public good – a goal I strive for in my own scholarship and teaching,” she said. “I am grateful to the many mentors, colleagues, and students who have taught and supported me and my research from my earliest days as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan.”

The academy, founded in 1780, is both an honorary society that recognizes and celebrates the excellence of its members and an independent research center convening leaders from across disciplines, professions and perspectives to address significant challenges.

“We honor these artists, scholars, scientists, and leaders in the public, non-profit, and private sectors for their accomplishments and for the curiosity, creativity, and courage required to reach new heights,” said David Oxtoby, President of the Academy. “We invite these exceptional individuals to join in the Academy’s work to address serious challenges and advance the common good.”

Read the full announcement about U-M’s newly elected members. 

For more information on the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, please visit

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