Research Scientist Pablo Mitnik Joins CID

Oct 1, 2021

Pablo A. Mitnik joined the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics (CID) as Assistant Research Scientist this past fall. His research focuses on intergenerational mobility, economic inequality, labor markets, and statistical methods. A large part of his recent work has aimed at improving the methodological approaches, statistical models, and data used to measure mobility and inequality of opportunity. 

Some of these methodological contributions can be found in three articles published in Sociological Methodology and Sociological Methods and Research. His empirical research has relied widely on the Statistics of Income Mobility Panel, a dataset based on tax and other administrative data whose construction he has coordinated. Key results from this research have been reported in a Sociological Science article on family-income mobility in the U.S. and a NBER book chapter that compares inequality of opportunity for income in Denmark and the US. Results from other research on trends in class mobility in the U.S. he has conducted can be found in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Pablo’s current projects focus on wealth inequality and the transmission of wealth across generations, the role of gender and marriage in family-income mobility, the measurement of economic mobility in the U.S. with new censored regression and copula-based selection models, the formal modeling of the policy and institutional determinants of intergenerational mobility, and the methodological and conceptual foundations of research in mobility and inequality of opportunity. He obtained his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, and held several research positions at Stanford’s Center on Poverty and Inequality before joining CID. 

Welcome to the team, Pablo!


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