Housing Inequality in Detroit
- Akers, Joshua, and Eric Seymour. “Instrumental exploitation: Predatory property relations at city’s end.” Geoforum 91 (2018): 127-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.022
- Bernadette Atuahene & Christopher Berry, Taxed Out: Illegal Property Tax Assessments and the Epidemic of Tax Foreclosures in Detroit, 9 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 847 (2019). https://scholarship.law.uci.edu/ucilr/vol9/iss4/3
- Julie Cassidy, Detroit: The evolution of a housing crisis. Economic Security, May 7 2019.
- Carl Hedman and Rolf Pendall, Rebuilding and Sustaining Homeownership for African Americans. Urban Institute Southeast Michigan Futures Housing Brief 3. June, 2018.
- Danyelle Solomon, Connor Maxwell, and Abril Castro, Systemic Inequality: Displacement, Exclusion, and Segregation. How America’s Housing System Undermines Wealth Building in Communities of Color. Center for American Progress, Report. Aug 7, 2019.
About the Housing Inequality and Justice Project

CID Team Members
Fabian Pfeffer
Asher Dvir-Djerassi
Jasmine Simington
Taubman College Collaborators
Kathy Velikov
Tesas Broek
Minghui Li
Jordan Zauel
Sofia Hiltner