Pablo Mitnik

Assistant Research Scientist

A headshot of Pablo Mitnik as he stands in front of the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics logo sign in the space.
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426 Thompson St.

Pablo Mitnik

Assistant Research Scientist

Pablo Mitnik joined the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics (CID) as Assistant Research Scientist in September 2021. His research focuses on intergenerational mobility, economic inequality, labor markets, and statistical methods. His recent work has advanced new methodological approaches to measure mobility and inequality of opportunity and has examined these phenomena in the United States from a cross-national comparative perspective. 

Pablo’s current projects include the study of U.S. wealth inequality, the analysis of gender and marriage dynamics in family-income mobility, the examination of US trends in earnings inequality with a newly introduced regression approach, the development of the methodological and conceptual foundations of research in mobility and inequality of opportunity, and the formal modeling of the policy and institutional determinants of mobility. He obtained his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was a postdoctoral scholar and a staff researcher at Stanford University’s Center on Poverty and Inequality before joining CID.


PhD, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2009)

MA, Sociosemiotics, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (1996)

BA, Economics, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (1994)

BA, Social Communication, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (1989)

Areas of Study

Demography, Labor markets, Methods, Public Policy, Race and Racial Inequality, Social and Economic Inequality, Sociology

Related Projects

Wealth and Mobility Study

Measuring Racial Inequality in Tax Data

Mitnik, Pablo, Victoria Bryant, and David Grusky. Forthcoming. “A Very Uneven Playing Field: Economic Mobility in the United States.” American Journal of Sociology 129(4).

Mitnik, Pablo. 2023. “Estimating the Intergenerational Elasticity of Expected Income with Short-Run Income Measures: A Generalized Error-in-Variables Model.” Empirical Economics 65: 2779–2803.

Mitnik, Pablo, Anne-Line Helsø and Victoria Bryant. 2022. “Inequality of Opportunity for Income in Denmark and the United States: A Comparison Based on Administrative Data.” In Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth, edited by Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Janet Gornick, Barry Johnson, and Arthur Kennickell. NBER Book Series Studies in Income and Wealth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Mitnik, Pablo and Erin Cumberworth. 2021. “Measuring Social Class with Changing Occupational Classifications: Reliability, Competing Measurement Strategies, and the 1970-1980 U.S. Classification Divide.” Sociological Methods and Research 50 (1): 265-309.   [First published online in June 2018.]

Mitnik, Pablo. 2020. “Intergenerational Income Elasticities, Instrumental Variable Estimation, and Bracketing Strategies.” Sociological Methodology 50(1): 1-46.

Mitnik, Pablo and David Grusky. 2020. “The Intergenerational Elasticity of What? The Case for Redefining the Workhorse Measure of Economic Mobility.” Sociological Methodology 50(1): 47-95.

Mitnik, Pablo, Victoria Bryant, and Michael Weber. 2019. “The Intergenerational Transmission of Family-Income Advantages in the United States.” Sociological Science 6(15): 380-415.