Junchao is interested in the political origins and consequences of economic inequality, social mobility, and quantification. He is now developing two sets of research agenda. The first agenda aims to quantitatively evaluate the spatial-temporal variation in the quality of decennial population census data in China. In the second agenda, Junchao is interested in a comparative study of wealth inequality in post-socialist sphere. For now, Junchao is collaborating with other faculty members developing necessary tools for studying wealth and income inequality.
Junchao Tang
Student Associate
Junchao Tang
Student Associate
BA in Sociology, 2015, Fudan University, China
MA in Sociology, 2018, Fudan University, China
MA in Regional Studies – East Asia, 2018, Harvard University
MA in Sociology, 2023, University of Michigan
Areas of Study
Related Projects
Population Census and State Legibility in China
Sjö, Sofia, Marcus Moberg, Peter Nynäs, and Junchao Tang. 2020. “A View on Religious Socialization in Contemporary China: The Role of New Media, Literature, Education, and Participation”. In Young Adults, Digital Media, and Religion: An International Perspective, edited by Marcus Moberg and Sofia Sjö. London: Routledge.
Li, Xuefeng, Junchao Tang, Xin Liu. 2019. “An Evaluation on Urban Cultural Heritage: Empirical Evidence from Shanghai.” (“城市地区文化遗产价值评估:来自上海的经验研究”) (in Chinese) Sociological Journal (2): 153-171.
Tang, Junchao. 2015. “Lost at the Starting Line: A Reconsideration of Educational Inequality in China, 1978–2008.” (“输在起跑线——再议中国社会的教育不平等,1978-2008”) (in Chinese) Sociological Studies 177(3): 123-45+244