Asher Dvir-Djerassi

Asher Dvir-Djerassi

Asher Dvir-Djerassi is a joint Ph.D. candidate in Sociology and Public Policy.  He is a Student Fellow at the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics, where he works closely with the Wealth and Mobility (WAM) Study. Asher’s research primarily concerns income and...
Zsigmond Pálvölgyi

Zsigmond Pálvölgyi

Zsigmond is interested in how governmental policies shape economic inequality. Some of his current research projects examine the connection between segregation and racial wealth inequality following the Fair Housing Act, the effect of changing parental wealth on...
Pablo Mitnik

Pablo Mitnik

Pablo Mitnik joined the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics (CID) as Assistant Research Scientist in September 2021. His research focuses on intergenerational mobility, economic inequality, labor markets, and statistical methods. His recent work has advanced new...
Joe LaBriola

Joe LaBriola

Joe’s research uses survey and administrative data to examine the roots of racial and socioeconomic inequalities in the contemporary United States. Currently, he primarily focuses on racial inequalities in housing and wealth. Joe has published on the causes of class...